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Negotiations continue on irrigation farms with 1000ML of water

Negotiations continue on irrigation farms with 1000ML of water

Negotiations are continuing on the Macintyre Brook properties Sunnygirl and Largo North, which were passed in at auction for $6.5 million.
Wednesday, August 30, 2023/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (946)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Rural News
Trojan Horse: Labor pairs buybacks with water market reforms

Trojan Horse: Labor pairs buybacks with water market reforms

"It's pretty simple - we can live with the water market, but not the other crap they want to do... they can jam that bit up their ass."
Wednesday, August 30, 2023/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (938)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Rural News

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